VMC Satellite Affiliate

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Join us at VMC Satellite in selling DISH Network, an industry leader in providing digital broadcasting/television programming to over 13 million consumers. Today’s Satellite marketplace continues to grow with more and more people upgrading their home televisions to big screens, flat panels LCD and plasma along with high definition channels bringing the quality of picture in US homes to a level never dreamed of before.

VMC has been a trusted leading online seller of DISH programming for over six years. Our relationship with DISH Network affords us priority installment for our customers and a high support level not provided to most satellite dealers.

VMC offers an outstanding Affiliate Program and thousands have partnered with us over the years. We build trust with our affiliates and look forward to supporting your efforts in earning extra cash selling satellite systems. Highlights of our program include:

  • COMPETITIVE COMMISSIONS: High bounties, multi level participations and twice per month payments
  • SUPPORT SYSTEMS: Online information for orders, activations and web analysis along with marketing tips and tools to drive your sales
  • CALL CENTER COMPETENCIES: Experts at product knowledge and converting prospective calls into orders and installs

We’ve paid out millions in affiliate commissions over the years; why not sign up and make an effort to earn your fair share. Sell a few to those around you or take it seriously and drive your earning into six figures as our best affiliate at VMC does each month. We’ll ask for some quick information and you can be off selling.

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